


2 件のコメント:

Jesus Kun さんのコメント...

hello again //konnichiwa - konbanwa (or something like that)
im here again, seeing your photos.
I thinks Japan its a very interesting place. My website its in spanish, thats the reason because you cant understand nothing.
Well, i will still comment in your blogspot.
I hope youre fine.
Ok, take care you mister - dont know your name-.

kami さんのコメント...

Thank you ageain jesus kun!
¡Hola!¡Buenas noches!(I use a translation site)
My name is Naoko(a gairls name).
I tryed to translate your website by useing a free translation site(spanish to japanese). But this site tranlation does not work well.
OK, I hope also you are fine!!
See you